Asset Managers
On top of delivering investment performance, asset managers are expected to provide outstanding customer service, particularly when it comes to reporting on their activities on behalf of the funds they manage. But infrastructure costs can rapidly escalate and seriously dent profit margins. Asset managers can opt for a more streamlined approach, by investing in a specialized third-party supplier who provides a robust reporting from true experts in order to eliminate in-house delivery bottlenecks and to improve the quality of the reports. We can provide core reporting, analytics and investment compliance, allowing asset managers to focus on creating value in their portfolio and servicing their clients, secure in the knowledge that all the back-office functions are expertly covered.
Account Management
With the aid of market risk analysis, position based performance attribution and transaction based performance attribution account managers can verify whether the product is in line with the investment guidelines. This ensures compliance of the product with the requirements of the client, and reveals the risk position and the product's sources of performance.
IDS pension fund reporting offers asset management companies with pension fund clients an integrated structure, risk and performance reporting for the asset and liability side as differentiating characteristics in the competition to attract investors.
The major shareholding reporting includes a web application, called compliance cockpit, featuring data quality management, regulatory market data and predefined regulatory rule sets. It supports compliance officers in satisfying international regulatory reporting obligations regarding relevant voting rights/investment discretion and thus reduces the risk of breaching local supervisory regulations.
Fund Accounting
As part of a comprehensive service IDS offers the reconciliation of ledgers and subledgers.
At the heart of the IDS services for performance calculation lies the revaluation of positions with benchmark prices. The outperformance fee calculation is based on the same mechanism.
Solvency reporting in line with Basel II regulations and VAG reporting (according to §54d of the German Insurance Supervision Act - VAG) supports asset management companies in fulfilling the legal reporting obligations of the investors.
Marketing and Sales
By having IDS produce fund fact sheets for them, asset management companies can save time and effort in this highly deadline-driven process and receive reliable and consistent marketing material which meets legal requirements, in any language and in pixel-perfect layout.
Marketing and sales staff obtain reliable input for requests for proposal (RfP) and marketing material from the market risk analysis, also enabling them to evaluate portfolio proposals. The product is based on the monitoring of ex ante risk figures (tracking error, beta, volatility) and breakdown of the risk sources into single positions and risk factors (sector, currency, country, ..., asset class, maturity, duration, ...).
In analogy to the ex ante analysis, ex post analyses from the position based performance attribution and transaction based performance attribution serve as input for RfPs, for deriving marketing material.
The fund of funds performance analysis of IDS explains the performance drivers typical to fund of funds or multi asset class fund management in absolute figures as well as relative to the benchmark.
The composite calculation is the basis for comprehensive analyses of the performance of products and strategies. The IDS GIPS service takes care of record keeping for asset managers who disclose their performance to Global Investment Presentation Standards (GIPS).
Portfolio Management
With the aid of the market risk analysis portfolio managers can identify and actively manage portfolio risk. The product is based on the monitoring of ex ante risk figures (tracking error, beta, volatility) and breakdown of the risk sources into single positions and risk factors (sector, currency, country, ..., asset class, maturity, duration, ...).
Position-based performance attribution and transaction-based performance attribution enable portfolio managers and top management to determine and gauge the outcome of active bets and to continuously verify the appropriateness of the investment strategy.
The fund of funds performance analyses of IDS explain the performance drivers typical to fund of funds or multi asset class fund management in absolute figures as well as relative to the benchmark.
The composite calculation is the basis for comprehensive considerations of the performance of products and strategies.
Product Management
With the aid of the market risk analysis, the position based performance attribution and the transaction based performance attribution, product managers and product specialists can verify whether the product is still in line with the product description. This helps them to assure the clarity and verity of the product, to identify strengths and weaknesses in the risk position, and to check the sources of performance of the product.
The composite calculation is the basis for comprehensive analyses of the performance of products and strategies. The IDS GIPS service takes care of record keeping for asset managers who disclose their performance according to the Global Investment Presentation Standards (GIPS).
Risk Controlling
The liquidity reporting enables risk controllers in asset management companies to assess the effects of capital outflows on compliance with the supervisory requirement to redeem shares at any time and to keep the impact on performance under control. This best practice solution was developed especially for asset management companies in order to comply with the “Minimum requirements for risk management in investment companies” (Mindestanforderungen an das Risikomanagement für Investmentgesellschaften - InvMaRisk) and has already proven successful.
IDS carries out all steps of a business process related to market risk measurement in accordance with UCITS III (Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) for asset management companies. The service includes acceptance of the portfolio holdings, enrichment of data such as breakdowns of structured investments for risk measurement, record keeping of benchmark portfolios and market risk limits (legal, contractual, internal), calculation of the Value-at-Risk (VaR) and utilization of the limits, comprehensive and homogenous presentation of the market risk position and the (key) risk drivers. The service comprises continuous quality assurance, stress testing and backtesting including explanations of P&L exceptions, and finally professional reporting and support.
With the aid of the market risk analysis, risk controllers can detect breaches of internal and contractual investment guidelines, identify the reasons and take measures to rectify the breaches. The product is based on the monitoring of ex ante risk figures (tracking error, beta, volatility) and the break down of the risk sources to single positions and risk factors (sector, currency, country, ..., asset class, maturity, duration, ...).