News & Events

September 16, 2024

Webinar "Machine Learning for Investment Data Management" on Thursday 17 September 10:10am at the ALFI Rentrée

Join us tomorrow at the ALFI Rentrée for an interesting webinar about "Machine Learning for Investment Data Management".

Our experts Thomas Ohlsen and Ismail Demir will present three use cases to show how machine learning can support human work and help to overcome resource bottlenecks.
The basis of a sound planning and analysis of investment decisions is the collection and assurance of high-quality data. This requires comprehensive quality assurance processes. Their complexity increases with the complexity of the data to be checked. Purely automated processes quickly reach their limits, and tests can only be performed by highly qualified employees. Thus binding important resources, and capacities that are often needed for other topics.

> More information and to register to this event.

May 11, 2024

Allianz publishes its Sustainability Report 2019

Allianz focuses on its commitment to long-term climate protection – both through its business activi-ties as an insurer and investor and its corporate operations. Like in previous years, the report gives an overview of a wide array of topics from how Allianz manages ESG risks and opportunities in its business, offers sustainable solutions, protects its customers, develops its people and engages in the community.

In this year’s report, Allianz discloses for the first time the carbon footprint of its proprietary listed equity portfolio. IDS is proud to have been part of this project by contributing to the portfolio carbon footprint analytics for the climate-related financial disclosure. The associated metrics can be found in section 05.6 METRICS AND TARGETS of the report and are based on the recommendations devel-oped by the G20 Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

> To find out more, read the Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2019

March 31, 2024

The new Solvency II Tripartite Template (TPT v5.0) goes live today

Insider advice: Start with the production of v4.0 first, followed by the production of v5.0. Here is why:

The parallel phase for the production of TPT versions 4.0 and 5.0 begins on 31 March 2020. Since the implementation status will not be the same for all customers, IDS has chosen the following procedure:

  • First, TPT v4.0 will be produced as usual and distributed via the established delivery processes. This is intended to support customers in meeting delivery deadlines vis-à-vis investors.
  • Only then will TPT v5.0 be created and delivered. Customers can use this version for test purposes and check how far its implementation has progressed.
  • Production of version 3.0 will be discontinued on this date.

This approach prevents technical conflicts during the transfer and import of the two versions. 

> more informaton about TPT v5.0 

March 20, 2024

COVID-19 Update March 20, 2024

Dear clients,

We want to share our actions taken in relation to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak with you. IDS is closely monitoring and managing the situation and follows the recommended practices and guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as from our shareholding company Allianz SE.

With a robust business continuity framework and crisis working group in place, our first priority is to ensure a safe work environment for our colleagues and maintaining business continuity for our clients around the world.

Precautionary measures

  • Travel restrictions in place.
  • Restrictions for external employees and visitors in place.
  • Availability of hand-sanitizer and masks is ensured.
  • Continuous risk evaluation and quarantine for potentially affected internal employees.
  • Contacts to medical facilities and notification chains up to date.
  • Emphasis on employee awareness about current developments.
  • >80% home office quota across all employees, operations are stable, existing remote working solutions have adequate capacity and suitability.

Recovery measures

  • BCM recovery plans ensuring operational continuity in the event of further restrictions are documented and up to date.
  • Close cooperation with the Allianz Group Crisis Unit and 100% implementation of all recommendations.
  • As a global provider for the investment community we understand that the current situation is a joint challenge.

We have the confidence that our measures ensure the expected operational resilience to help you to cope with your situation. Please do not hesitate to contact your IDS representative if you require any further support or information.  

Stay healthy

Cordially your IDS Management

January 27, 2024

New version 5.0 of Solvency II TPT

On 19 January 2020, FinDatEx announced on its website ( the adaption of a new version 5.0 of the Solvency II Tripartite Template (TPT). The changes mainly concern securitizations, private equity investments and counterparty information. In addition, numerous formal changes were made, e.g. the frequency of coupon payment frequencies, the classification of investments that are pledged as collateral or the distinction between long and short positions by the sign of the nominal amount. Finally, version 5.0 was included in the column "1000_TPT_Version".

According to FinDatEx, the new version 5.0 should be implemented from 31 March 2024 and initially be used in parallel with version 4.0. The parallel phase is to end on 30 June and only version 5.0 is to be used. The use of the older version 3.0 is to be discontinued completely at the end of March 2020.

The FinDatEx also makes recommendations on the technical format of the TPT in order to establish a standard that is as uniform as possible throughout the industry.

All changes listed in detail and IDS implementation plan can be found here

December 27, 2023

Sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector

With its most recently published regulation EU 2019/2088 on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector, the EU aims to improve transparency on sustainability related risks and on the achievement of sustainable goals in the investment processes. This includes for instance the disclosure of likely impacts of sustainability risks on the returns of financial products in the pre-contractual documents. A framework of harmonized disclosure requirements should help investors to better understand sustainability-related aspects of financial products and to more easily compare them.

By this regulation, the Commission of the EU aims to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030 and to foster the transition to a low-carbon economy in accordance with the Paris 2015 agreement. It therefore covers a broad range of financial products like funds (UCITs and AIFs), Pension products and schemes and insurance related investment products. A specific focus lies on those which are promoted to improve specific environmental or social characteristics. Affected companies are therefore investment firms providing portfolio management, insurance companies offering insurance-based investment products and IORPs (Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision).

On 29 December 2019, the Regulation will enter into force. A transition period of 15 months will follow. The regulation names 10 March 2024 as the date from which the new rules apply. In the course of 2020, technical regulatory standards are expected to be introduced to provide more clarity about the specific requirements. We at IDS will monitor all updates to these standards and keep you up to date.

December 20, 2023

ESMA publishes 2nd Annual Report on EMIR penalties and supervisory measures

On December 9th, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s securities markets regulator, has published its second annual report regarding supervisory measures carried out and penalties imposed by national competent authorities (NCAs) under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR).

Read the ESMA Press release

The ESMA Report

December 17, 2023

ESMA updates Q&As on AIFMD

On 4 December 2023 ESMA has updated the Q&As on the application of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD). The Q&A provides clarification on reporting requirements on liquidity stress tests for closed-ended unleveraged Alternative Investment Fund (AIFs).

> Read the ESMA press release

> Read the ESMA Q&A

September 19, 2024

IDS at the BVI Asset Management Conference 2019

The BVI Asset Management Conference 2019 will take place:

  • on Tuesday, September 24 in Frankfurt
  • from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • at the Gesellschaftshaus im Palmengarten

Asset managers are particularly confronted with a multitude of regulatory requirements – PRIIPs, MiFID 2, IORP, CRR/CRD IV, VAG, Solvency II, IFRS 9, DCPT, FVPT, LGPA. Specialized stand-alone solutions increase time and effort to ensure data consistency, and efficiency benefits are lost.

Are you looking for a provider that can cover all common requirements from a single platform? Talk to our experts at booth #1 and learn how you can benefit from partnering with IDS to overcome the regulatory challenges and get rapid results, in time and at low cost.

More information about this event here (in German)


February 28, 2024

IDS at the ALFI European Asset Management Conference - Luxembourg, March 5-6th, 2019

Meet and talk to the IDS experts at booth #23 and learn how you can benefit from partnering with IDS to overcome the regulatory challenges and get rapid results, in time and at low cost.

> PRIIPs Service
> Transaction Cost Calculation
> more Reporting services

Please contact us, to arrange a meeting with the IDS experts at this conference.

> more information about this conference

September 26, 2024

IDS Forum in London

On 26 September 2018, zeb and IDS GmbH - Analysis and Reporting Services (IDS) will host a regulatory update in London.

Our experts will report on current and future regulatory requirements and challenges such as the implementation of IFRS-9 or Version 4.0 Tripartite Template (TPT).

> More information about our customer event

September 18, 2024

IDS at the BVI Asset Management Conference (BVI AMK)

**This event will be held in German only.** 

Die BVI Asset Management Konferenz 2018 findet statt am:

  • Donnerstag, 20. September 2018 in Frankfurt
  • von 9:30 Uhr bis ca. 17:00 Uhr
  • Gesellschaftshaus im Palmengarten

Private Altersvorsorge, Digitalisierung, Regulierung, Zukunft des Euro – die Agenda der AMK macht deutlich, dass die Asset-Management-Branche im Brennpunkt zahlreicher gesellschaftlicher, wirtschaftlicher und technischer Veränderungen steht.

Wettbewerbsfähige Antworten erfordern Agilität und interdisziplinäres Können. Gleichzeitig schränkt die Regulierung der Asset-Manager und der institutionellen Anleger Handlungsspielräume ein und verursacht Kosten.

Wie können Sie diesem Spannungsfeld begegnen?

IDS schafft mit seinen Regulatory Reporting Services flexible und effiziente Lösungen und gibt den Asset-Managern jene Freiräume, sich auf ihre Kernkompetenzen zu fokussieren.

Sprechen Sie uns an! Unsere Experten freuen sich auf interessante Gespräche mit Ihnen am Stand 1.

Weitere Informationen zu dieser Veranstaltung erhalten Sie hier

July 19, 2024

IDS Forum in Frankfurt

**This event will be held in German only.**  
Am 23. August 2018 veranstalten zeb und IDS GmbH – Analysis and Reporting Services (IDS) ein regulatorisches Update.

Unsere Experten berichten über aktuelle und künftige regulatorische Anforderungen und Herausforderungen zu Themen wie z.B. die Umsetzung von IFRS-9 oder Version 4.0 Tripartite Template (TPT).

> Weitere Informationen zu unserer Kundenveranstaltung.

June 11, 2024

Bernd R. Fischer at PMAR IX Europe

On June 12, 2024 Bernd R. Fischer will deliver a presentation about "Creating synergies to tackle the burden of regulatory reporting and data governance" at the 9th Performance Measurement, Attribution & Risk Conference (PMAR) in London.

To learn more about this event, please click here.

May 16, 2024

Bernd R. Fischer at the 17th INVESTMENT FORUM

Bernd R. Fischer will give a presentation about data governance and regulatory reporting on 17 May at the 17th INVESTMENT FORUM in Frankfurt, Germany. Please note, the event will be held in German only.

You can find more information on the conference website.

April 12, 2024

IDS at the ALFI London Cocktail Conference on May 2-3, 2018 in UK

Meet and talk to our experts at the IDS booth and learn how you can benefit from partnering with IDS to overcome the regulatory challenges and get rapid results, in time and at low cost.

Please contact us, to arrange a meeting with the IDS experts at this conference.

> more information about this conference

> more information about the IDS managed services

February 26, 2024

IDS at the ALFI European Asset Management Conference - Luxembourg, March 6-7th, 2018

Meet and talk to the IDS experts at booth #38 about our new comprehensive managed service for the calculation of transaction costs of investment products according to the PRIIPs and MiFID II regulations.

Learn how you can benefit from partnering with IDS to overcome the regulatory challenges and get rapid results, in time and at low cost.

Please contact us, to arrange a meeting with the IDS experts at this conference.

> more information about the IDS transaction cost calculation managed service

> more information about this conference

January 26, 2024

Upcoming Conferences and Events

Join us and meet IDS experts at the following upcoming industry conferences and events:

March 6-7, ALFI European Asset Management Conference

May 2-3, ALFI London Cocktail & Conference

June 11-12, PMAR Europe

For more information, please see our events calendar.

June 22, 2024

IDS is sponsor at the Operational and Technical Challenges for PRIIPs Conference on 26-27 June 2017 in London

Join IDS in this 2-day conference that will take place on 26-27 June 2017 at the Hilton Canary Wharf in London to learn from key practical case studies how to overcome the practical challenges involved in the generation and review of KIDs and compliance with PRIIPs.

The key topics of this conference are:

  • Obtain an update of the latest on PRIIPs from the regulators, as well as the regulatory timelines to which firms are working
  • Achieve a comprehensive insight into the content of the PRIIPs KID, specifically with regard to performance scenarios
  • Gain clarity on the definitional, classificatory, and legal issues still causing confusion
  • Understand the required data processes required to calculate costs, pricing and risk for the components of the PRIIPs KID

On June 26th, Bernd R. Fischer, Managing Director, will held a keynote speech about "The burden of regulatory reporting and data governance on the investment industry":

  • Multiple impacts of regulation on fund companies
  • Variety of the requirements of different regulatory regimes
  • Regulation - is there any room for synergies in the data procurement?

For more information about this event, click here.

March 13, 2024

Silver German Stevie(R) Award for IDS PRIIPs Services

IDS was named the winner of the Silver Stevie®  Awards in the category „Best New Product or Service – Business-to-Business Services” in the annual German Stevie Awards.

The German Stevie Awards are the most encompassing business awards. In their third year they have already established a leading role in Germany. They are part of the Stevie Awards programs, which are widely considered to be the world's premier business awards, conferring recognition for achievement in the workplace in programs such as The International Business Awards for more than a decade.  All organizations in Germany were eligible to submit nominations.

About 300 nominations from organizations across Germany were considered this year in categories including Company of the Year, Executive of the Year and New Product of the Year, among others. Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners were selected by about 50 executives from all over Germany.

Judges‘ Comments on IDS PRIIPs Services:

“A great service that reacts very flexibly to future requirements and offers a sustainable competitive advantage.”

“IDS leverages industry know-how and technical skills in an innovative way.”

Learn more about the Silver German Stevie(R) Award for IDS PRIIPs Services and the IDS PRIIPs Services.

The list of the German Stevie Awards winners in all categories is available here.

March 07, 2024

IDS at TSAM Europe in London on March 15, 2024

Visit us at booth 31 and listen to the presentation of James Harwood-Bridgen, Chief Data Officer, HSBC, and Bernd R. Fischer, Managing Director, IDS, about the challenges of a central data management and the opportunities of the IDS solution in the Data Management forum at TSAM Europe in the QEII Centre, London on 15 March 2017.  
Asset managers, institutional investors and custodians from across Europe visit the conference in the quest to discover the latest strategies, hottest trends and most advanced tools to improve their operational effectiveness, and access the key solution providers. 
Thomas Ohlsen will also give a presentation about “PRIIPs regulation - challenges and solutions for fund companies” in the Client Reporting and Communications forum.
Find more information about the event here.

January 17, 2024

IDS presents PRIIPs KID solution of Allianz at Institut des Actuaires in Paris

After a short introduction of IDS by Boris Neubert, Head of Market Management at IDS, Stephan Schruff, Head of Reporting Business Analysis and IDS project manager of the PRIIPs KID project of Allianz group will present in front of the PRIIPs working group the building blocks of the IDS PRIIPs services and how Allianz achieved readiness for the production of PRIIPs KIDs for the european insurance and asset management entities.

January 12, 2024

BVI - Facts, Funds and Food

** Please note: This event will be held in German language **

PRIIPs-Verordnung: Erfahrungsbericht zur Umsetzung im Allianz-Konzern 

Durch die Verschiebung der PRIIPs-Verordnung gewinnen Versicherer und KVGs ein zusätzliches Jahr für die Realisierung von Lösungen für die PRIIPS-KID-Erstellung. Nach wie vor -  und für viele Unternehmen Anlass, weiter abzuwarten - liegt jedoch keine finale Version der technischen Durchführungsstandards (RTS) vor. 

IDS hat in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Unternehmen im Allianz-Konzern eine hochgradig automatisierte und flexible Lösung zur industriellen Erstellung von EPTs/CEPTS und KIDs entwickelt.

Dr. Marcus Lesser, Allianz Investment Management SE, und Dr. Stephan Schruff, IDS GmbH - Analysis and Reporting Services, berichten aus erster Hand über die wesentlichen Herangehensweisen für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung und die Anforderungen der Versicherer an die Fondsgesellschaften.

Die Veranstaltung findet am 01. Februar 2017, von 12:00 bis 14:00 Uhr statt (ab 11:45 Uhr Registrierung der Teilnehmer).

Veranstaltungsort: BVI Konferenzetage, 6. Stock, Bockenheimer Anlage 15, 60322 Frankfurt am Main

Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung und Anmeldung erhalten Sie hier.

December 07, 2023

European Parliament vote PRIIPs delay

On December 1, the European Parliament has agreed to delay the implementation of the PRIIPs regulation to 2018. Members of the European Parliament approved the delay on key information documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs) with 561 votes in favor to 9 against and 75 abstentions. 

November 10, 2023

The European Commission postpones the implementation of PRIIPs Regulation

The European Commission proposed on November 9 to extend the application date of the PRIIPs Regulation - (EU) No 1286/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on key information documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs) - by one year, ie. January 1, 2018. 

> Press Release of the EC from November 9, 2016

August 11, 2024

IDS at the BVI Asset Management Conference 2016

** Please note: This event will be held in German language only **

Die BVI Asset Management Konferenz 2016 findet statt am

  • Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2016 in Frankfurt
  • von 9:30 Uhr bis ca. 17:30 Uhr
  • Gesellschaftshaus im Palmengarten

Wohin steuert Europa? Die Frage ist aktueller denn je. Keynote-Speaker Udo Di Fabio (Richter des Bundesverfassungsgerichts a.D.) analysiert, ob das Projekt zukunftsfest ist. Weitere Programmschwerpunkte sind u.a. aktuelle EU-Regulierungsvorhaben für das Asset Management, Anlagestrategie und Risikomanagement in Zeiten niedriger Zinsen und der Digitalisierungstrend im Finanz- und Fondsvertrieb.

Die Programmschwerpunkte sind u.a. aktuelle EU-Regulierungsvorhaben für das Asset Management, Anlagestrategie und Risikomanagement in Zeiten niedriger Zinsen, ebenso der Digitalisierungstrend im Finanz- und Fondsvertrieb.

Wir freuen uns auf informative und anregende Gespräche mit Ihnen: Treffen Sie unsere Experten am Stand 1!

Weitere Informationen zu dieser Veranstaltung erhalten Sie hier

May 03, 2024

Bernd R. Fischer at the Dubrovnik Forum 2016

Bernd R. Fischer will attend the 72nd Meeting of the Performance Measurement Forum on 23-24 June 2016 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. He will moderate a round table about "Handling overlay performance" on Friday 24th. Here you can find more information about the event and its programme.

February 29, 2024

IDS at TSAM Europe in London on March 15, 2024

Visit the IDS booth and listen to the presentation of an IDS expert at TSAM Europe, at Lancaster London Hotel, London, on March 15th.  
Asset managers, institutional investors and custodians from across Europe visit the conference in the quest to discover the latest strategies, hottest trends and most advanced tools to improve their operational effectiveness, and access the key solution providers. 
Boris Neubert will give a presentation about „Convergence of Regulatory and Analytical Client Reporting” within the stream “Client Reporting and Communications”, the best-attended of six streams.

Find more information about the event here.


February 11, 2024

IDS at the ALFI Spring Conference - Luxembourg, March 18-19th, 2016

Visit us at this year's ALFI Spring Conference at the Nouveau Centre de Conférences Kirchberg (NCCK) in Luxembourg on March 8 and 9, 2016.

Talk to our experts at the IDS booth (07) about the impact of the changing regulatory requirements as well as about other top issues for the reporting of institutional funds and mutual funds. Learn also how the IDS platform allows growth and saves money.

An overview of the program highlights of the ALFI Spring Conference is available here.


October 29, 2024

BVI - Facts, Funds and Food

** Please note: This event will be held in German language **

Asset-Manager im Spannungsfeld regulatorischer Datenanforderungen (Solvency II, VAG, CRR/CRD IV + GroMiKV, UCITS, AIFMD)

Die Finanzmärkte befinden sich in einer Ära der umfassenden Regulierung, die für alle Akteure neue Herausforderungen bergen. Auch Asset-Manager sind davon betroffen, sowohl direkt (OGAW-Richtlinie, AIFM-Richtlinie) als auch indirekt durch die Regulierung ihrer Investoren (CRR/ CRD/ GroMiKV, Solvency-II-Richtlinie, VAG, IORP-Richtlinie).

Die Bewältigung dieser neuen Herausforderungen im Controlling und Reporting erfordert Methodenkompetenz sowie ein umfangreiches Datenmanagement. Der Vortrag von Dr. Tim-Oliver Müller, Head of Risk Controlling Solutions, IDS GmbH - Analysis and Reporting Services beleuchtet die Komplexität der Regulierungen und erläutert die ganzheitlichen Anforderungen an das Datenmanagement eines Asset Managers.

Die Veranstaltung findet am 12. November 2015, von 12:00 bis 14:00 Uhr statt (ab 12:00 Uhr Registrierung der Teilnehmer).

Veranstaltungsort: BVI Konferenzetage, 6. Stock, Bockenheimer Anlage 15, 60322 Frankfurt am Main

Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung und Anmeldung erhalten Sie hier.

September 29, 2024

IDS at BVI Asset Management Konferenz 2015

Please note that this event will be conducted in German language

Die IDS-Experten erwarten Sie am Stand 2 und beraten Sie gerne rund um die Themen Regulatorisches Reporting, Performanceattribution sowie über unseren aktuellen Beitrag zur Digitalisierung im Asset-Management, die IDS eServices, die unseren Kunden den mobilen Zugang zum Datenmanagement und zu ausgewählten Reports erleichtern. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie hier.

April 29, 2024

New on the IDS Website

Last year IDS has responded with an extended service on the new regulatory requirements for the institutional client reporting of asset managers for banks.

Due to our customers' increasing demand for the enhanced IDS service "CRR / CRD Client Reporting", more detailed information can now be found on our website.

February 23, 2024

IDS to chair European Solvency II Summit in Brussels

IDS will chair the 2015 European Solvency II Summit in Brussels on February 25 and 26.

February 23, 2024

Solvency II – spring-cleaning for the asset management industry in 2015?

Read the full article from the Expert Guide Investment Funds 2015 here (p.12 following). Dr. Boris Neubert (IDS) and David Zackenfels (ALFI) describe the current state of the discussion surrounding implementation of Solvency II and illustrate the implications of the directive.

January 27, 2024

IDS und FWW kooperieren in Europa

Die vollständige Pressemitteilung zur Kooperation zwischen IDS und FWW kann hier abgerufen werden. 

January 26, 2024

IDS at TSAM Europe 2015

Visit the IDS booth and listen to the presentation „How we attained Solvency II readiness" of an IDS expert within the stream “Client Reporting and Communications”, the best-attended of six streams, at TSAM Europe 2015, Lancaster London Hotel, London, on March 17th.

Asset managers, institutional investors and custodians from across Europe visit the conference in the quest to discover the latest strategies, hottest trends and most advanced tools to improve their operational effectiveness, and access the key solution providers.

January 21, 2024

IDS at the ALFI Spring Conference - Luxembourg, March 24-25th, 2015

Visit us at this year's ALFI Spring Conference at the Nouveau Centre de Conférences Kirchberg (NCCK) in Luxembourg on 24th and 25th March 2015.

Our topic of the year is Solvency II. Talk to our experts at the IDS booth about the impact of the changing regulatory requirements as well as about other top issues for the reporting of institutional funds and mutual funds. Learn also how the IDS platform allows growth and saves money.

An overview of the program highlights of the ALFI Spring Conference is available here.

January 14, 2024

Publication of Maximilian Härtel and Giuseppe Orlando in the „Journal of Credit Risk“

Maximilian Härtel (IDS GmbH) and Giuseppe Orlando (Allianz Asset Management) present their approach to measure credit and counterparty risk, with the main focus on over-the-counter derivatives. Read “A Parametric Approach to Counterparty and Credit Risk” in the Journal of Credit Risk 10(4), S.97-133.

November 25, 2023

Review by the Journal of Investment Management

“This excellent book covers everything a practitioner needs to know to construct a comprehensive system for analyzing investment performance.“

Read the full review of ”PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND ATTRIBUTION OF SECURITY PORTFOLIOS” by the Journal of Investment Management


September 03, 2024

Asset Management Conference in Frankfurt

Visit IDS at the Asset Management Conference in Frankfurt (Stand No. 2). On September 24 the German Association for Investment and Asset Management, BVI organizes an informative agenda for Asset Managers, institutional investors and custodians at the Gesellschaftshaus im Palmengarten. Current portfolio strategies, regulatory topics as well as product requirements are some of the programs‘ topics. Speakers are e.g. Dr. Jens Weidmann, President of Deutsche Bundesbank and Dr. Bert Flossbach, Chief Executive of Flossbach von Storch AG. Further information about this event.

July 25, 2024

Challenges and Solutions for the Institutional Business

The financial crisis has triggered several comprehensive changes in the banking regulations. The customer reporting of financial investment management companies has to now fulfil numerous alterations which are being driven especially by investors and which serve the fulfilment of their regulatory obligations.


At the workshop “Challenges and Solutions for the Institutional Business” IDS and their partner FWW discussed these topics during a client event end of June. Thomas Ohlsen of IDS provided an overview on the new regulations following Basel III and the European Implementation of CRR and CRD IV. Subsequently he presented the resulting regulatory requirements as well as open questions and possible developments. Dr. Bernd R. Fischer of IDS showed which impact these regulatory developments have on financial investment management data  and which pros and cons the different options to comply with the new challenges have, e.g. internal solutions, partial outsourcing, managed services.

July 22, 2024

“Highly recommended for professionals who evaluate portfolio managers[…]”

Kishor Bagri of the American CFA Institut discusses the book “Performance Evaluation and Attribution of Security Portfolios” by IDS Managing Director Dr. Bernd R. Fischer and Russ Wermers.

The professional opinion of the Certified Financial Accountant: „Unlike books that are either concerned exclusively with nuts-and-bolts issues or unduly theoretical, it provides an optimal balance for the benefit of both practitioners and academicians.” 

Read the complete review here

June 10, 2024

IDS again at Facts, Funds and Food

The event will be held in German 

Die Facts, Funds and Food- Veranstaltung am 4. Juli 2014 steht im Zeichen des CRR/CRD Kundenreportings.

Hier präsentiert der IDS-Experte Thomas Ohlsen:

"Kapitalanlagereporting nach CRR/CRD - Kundenreporting von Asset-Managern für Banken".



Konferenzetage im 6. Stock

Bockenheimer Analge 15

60322 Frankfurt am Main



4. Juli 2014, 12:00 bis 14:00


Das vollständige Programm finden Sie hier

May 23, 2024

IDS Forum on Solvency II in London

We are pleased to announce Martin Bradley from Ernst & Young as key note speaker at the forum on Solvency II for Insurance Asset Management.

We are also pleased to confirm our external speakers and panellists:

  • Chris Johnson, Senior Product Manager, HSBC Securities Services
  • Michael Fraikin, Head of the Portfolio Management Team, Invesco Asset Management Deutschland
  • Christian Puschmann, Managing Director, Invesco Asset Management Deutschland
  • Peter Bonisch, Managing Partner, Paradigm Risk
  • Susan Wright, Senior Regulatory Advisor, Investment Management Association
  • Amarjit Singh, Partner, Ernst & Young

Please click here for further information and registration

May 23, 2024

IDS again at Funds, Facts and Food

The event will be held in German.

Wegen der großen Nachfrage präsentieren IDS- Experten im Rahmen der BVI- Veranstaltung Funds, Facts and Food auch am 6. Juni 2014 Informationen über Solvency II.

Wie bereits am 2. Juni 2014 informieren IDS- Experten über regulatorische Anforderungen und praktische Implementierung von Solvency II.

Zwischen 12 und 14 Uhr halten unsere Experten folgende Vorträge:

  • Petra Schneider: "Kapitalanlagereporting nach Solvency II: Herausforderungen an das institutionelle Asset Management"

  • Dr. Andrej El: "Solvency II Reporting in der Praxis: Effizienz von Anlagekonzepten unter Berücksichtigung von SCR- Anforderungen".

Das vollständige Programm finden Sie hier

May 21, 2024

Bernd R. Fischer at PMAR V Europe

Bernd R. Fischer will deliver a presentation at the fifth International Performance Measurement, Attribution & Risk Conference on June 10th 2014 in London.

He will talk about "Five years after the crisis, what are we doing different from a risk perspective". Here you can find more information about the event and its programme.

May 07, 2024

IDS at Funds, Facts and Food

The event will be held in German.

Am 2. Juni 2014  präsentieren IDS- Experten im Rahmen der Facts, Funds and Food- Veranstaltung zum Thema Solvency II Informationen rund um regulatorische Anforderungen und praktische Implementierung.


Zwischen 12 und 14 Uhr halten unsere Experten folgende Vorträge:


  • Petra Schneider: "Kapitalanlagereporting nach Solvency II: Herausforderungen an das institutionelle Asset Management"

  • Dr. Andrej El: "Solvency II Reporting in der Praxis: Effizienz von Anlagekonzepten unter Berücksichtigung von SCR- Anforderungen".

May 07, 2024

IDS Forum: Solvency II for Insurance Asset Management, Bridge the gap between requirement and implementation - June 26, 2024 in London

The IDS Forum on Solvency II for Insurance Asset Management will take place on Thursday 26 June 2024 from 8.30 am - 2 pm at the London Capital Club.

It’s common knowledge that Solvency II challenges asset management and asset servicing firms. In our forum practitioners will advise on the implementation of Solvency II compliant investment strategies and client reporting solutions. The forum will:

  • feature expert knowledge on insurance asset management from a reporting, as well as from an investment perspective;

  • demonstrate a practice-tested solution taking into consideration the detailed asset data requirements, the necessary cross-sector expertise and the required systems and methodology;

  • and provide insights into the benefits and opportunities.

For more information about the IDS Forum and to register please click here

March 05, 2024

IDS at TSAM Europe 2014

Visit the IDS booth (number 7) and listen to the presentation „High Quality Reporting: Vision or Mission?" of an IDS expert within the stream “Client Reporting and Communications”, the best-attended of nine streams, at TSAM Europe 2014, Lancaster London Hotel, London, on March 25th.  
Asset managers, institutional investors and custodians from across Europe visit the conference in the quest to discover the latest strategies, hottest trends and most advanced tools to improve their operational effectiveness, and access the key solution providers. 

January 30, 2024

IDS at the ALFI Spring Conference - Luxembourg, March 18-19th, 2014

Visit us at this year's ALFI Spring Conference at the Nouveau Centre de Conférences Kirchberg (NCCK) in Luxembourg on 18th and 19th March 2014.

Talk to our experts at the IDS booth (#49) about the impact of the changing regulatory requirements as well as about other top issues for the reporting of institutional funds and mutual funds. Learn also how the IDS platform allows growth and saves money.

An overview of the program highlights of the ALFI Spring Conference is available here.