If banks have controlling and wealth management business processes carried out by service companies, they must in turn obtain considerable cost savings and they must be sure of the competence, reliability and service orientation of the partner. IDS stands for these values and delivers specialized services in the fields of compliance, market risk and performance analytics in a trust-based partnership.
The major shareholding reporting includes a web application, called compliance cockpit, featuring data quality management, regulatory market data and predefined regulatory rule sets. It supports compliance officers in satisfying international regulatory reporting obligations regarding relevant voting rights/investment discretion and thus reduces the risk of breaching local supervisory regulations.
Basel II solvency reporting enables the banks to fulfill their legal reporting requirements with respect to the solvency ratios of the funds they have invested in.
Portfolio Management
With the aid of the market risk analysis portfolio managers can identify and actively manage portfolio risk. The product is based on the monitoring of ex ante risk figures (tracking error, beta, volatility) and breakdown of the risk sources into single positions and risk factors (sector, currency, country, ..., asset class, maturity, duration, ...).
Position-based performance attribution and transaction-based performance attribution enable portfolio managers and top management to determine and gauge the outcome of active bets and to continuously verify the appropriateness of the investment strategy.
Risk Controlling
IDS carries out the complete business processes related to market risk measurement, be it for the bank’s proprietary holdings or for the customer accounts under management. The service includes the loading of the holdings, the decomposition of investments for the risk measurement, the calculation of the Value at Risk (VaR) and the utilization of the limits in the framework of an internal model, the comprehensive and homogenous presentation of the market risk position and the (key) risk drivers. The service comprises continuous quality assurance, stress testing and backtesting including explanations of P&L exceptions, and finally professional reporting and support.