Fund Data Hub
Efficient distribution of fund master and portfolio data.
Promotes the exchange of fund information between asset managers, distribution agents, information services and investors.
Asset management companies disseminate data for settlement of fund transactions to provide necessary information to distribution partners and research firms as well as to ensure that institutional investors can comply with transparency requirements, e.g. Investment Ordinance (Anlageverordnung – AnIV) or the Regulation Governing Large Exposures and Loans (Großkredit- und Millionenkreditverordnung – GroMiKV). By using the Fund Data Hub, data providers and their clients reduce their data interface costs. Moreover, they can benefit from the value-added services offered for data aggregation and enrichment.
The Fund Data Hub is a managed service for asset management companies, fund distributors, information services, research firms, banks and insurers, which allows an efficient exchange of fund master and portfolio data. Data management and user-oriented aggregation of information conform to the individual demands and requirements of data suppliers and users.