
Institutional Reporting

First-class reporting to win and keep investors.

Fund managers want to offer institutional investors a high level of service quality. Among the most decisive factors are meaningful performance attribution and support for regulatory reporting.

Fund managers face a growing list of challenges. As requirements continue to align across markets and new providers enter the fray, competition for institutional clients is intensifying. At the same time, investors are looking much more closely at the scope, content and quality of reporting in step with the rise in regulatory demands. Beyond the ability to demonstrate strong investment performance, customized analysis and reporting have thus become important factors for success. In business with institutional clients, firms must now be ready to offer outstanding service as well as flexibility to meet individual needs.


This is why fund managers are not only working to develop superior products that are a perfect fit for their investors, but are also seeking the most cost-effective means of providing first-class institutional reporting services. When reviewing systems and processes, many end up seriously considering an outsourcing of business processes as a way to boost their efficiency.

Fund managers focus more on their core competency

  • When reviewing systems and processes, many end up seriously considering an outsourcing of business processes as a way to boost their efficiency.
  • Focusing on asset management makes it necessary to find external solutions in order to flexibly offer investors excellent service quality at a reasonable cost.
  • Key to the success of this kind of business process outsourcing, especially when it comes to institutional reporting, is choosing the right service partner

Partner in the field of institutional reporting

Our solutions are shaped by our long-standing experience, coupled with ongoing, practice-oriented development of our technical and operational expertise and implementation of feedback from our global clientele – to the benefit of all our clients.


IDS GmbH – Analysis and Reporting Services (IDS) specializes in high-quality, flexible analysis and reporting services and offers one-stop solutions for comprehensive investor and regulatory reporting tailored to the needs of institutional clients.

IDS provides the building blocks needed to meet the challenges of institutional reporting:

Check what is most important for you about institutional reporting and find out which services IDS offers – please follow this link to our checklist.