- Product Overview
- Data Management
- Risk Controlling
- Performance Analysis
- Reporting
- Investment Committee Reporting
- Fact Sheets
- GroMiKV Reporting for Investment Funds
- CRR/CRD Client Reporting
- Solvency II Client Reporting
- SolvV Reporting for Investment Funds
- VAG Reporting for Investment Funds
- Fee Controlling for Custodian Banks
- Annual and Semi-Annual Reports for Funds
- Institutional Reporting
- Key Investor Information Document (KIID)
- Pension Fund Reporting
- Transaction Cost Calculation
- PRIIPs Services
PRIIPs Services
For Fund Companies and Insurance Companies.
On 26 November 2014, the Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on key information documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs) was adopted. The European Commission decided on November 9 to extend the application date by one year: it shall apply from January 1, 2018. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
The objective of this Regulation is to enhance investor protection (help retail investors to compare different products and to understand their features), to foster the development of an EU-wide level playing field and smooth functioning of the internal market, to establish uniform rules on transparency at Union level and, last but not least, rebuild the trust of retail investors in the financial markets.
PRIIPs are Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products. According to the PRIIPs Regulation, “packaged” products are indirect investments of the retail investor‘s money on the capital market or products whose return is linked to the performance of certain investments or reference values.
From 2018, EU consumers receive so-called Key Information Documents (KIDs) for all packaged products such as investment funds, unit-linked life insurances and certificates. These pre-contractual key information documents enable retail investors to understand and compare basic features and risks of PRIIPs based on an EU-wide standard with strict rules on format and content (maximum of three pages, comprehensible language, official EU language, …).
The PRIIP manufacturer is obliged to produce the KID. Thus, from 2018, insurance companies need to provide PRIIPs-KIDs. Fund companies will continue to produce KIDs according to the UCITS directive (UCITS KIIDs) until 2019 and PRIIPs-KIDs from 2020. However, the fund companies are already required to support the production of PRIIPs-KIDs for unit-linked life insurance products: fund companies need to transmit specific information about the investment funds to the insurance companies.
Key challenges for fund companies and insurance companies arising from the PRIIPS Regulation are:
collection of underlying data and their mathematical processing, considering the uncertainty of the yet incomplete and shifting technical specifications,
cross-sectoral collection and dissemination of specific information for a huge number of investment funds,
cost-efficient production of the documents, reliable with respect to the technical process and the strict legal rules on form and content.
With the PRIIPs-Service from IDS GmbH – Analysis and Reporting Services (IDS) you will be well prepared for future challenges. As a 100% subsidiary of Allianz SE,
IDS has specialized Asset Management and Insurance expertise.
IDS runs a fund data hub with large demand and large supply.
IDS uses its own integrated platform for data management, analytics and reporting.
Your benefits from a cooperation with IDS:
High-quality results and consulting during implementation and service operation.
Short implementation cycle - service will be in production in accordance with the target dates set by the regulator.
Cost savings thanks to minimization of implementation complexity and choice of service modules.
Enhanced efficiency through use of a single integrated platform for collection of data, analytics, document production as well as collection and dissemination of (C)EPTs.
Monitoring of changes/updates on PRIIPs regulation, interpretation and implementation.
High process reliability through use of praxis-proven KID production service.
Translation services can be integrated.